Bucket of Balls

Bucket of Balls

Bucket of Balls Purpose: Fun competition that allows players to focus on fielding and making good throws. Equipment: Infield area with bases and a bucket or bag of balls. Setup: All infield positions are used except for the pitcher. Execution: This drill requires a...


Fivety Aim: This game improves hitting and fielding. A batter hits 10 balls into the field of play and fielders have to stop the hit ball. Fielders are rewarded points for stopping the ball. Equipment: 10 baseballs Bat Tee Gloves Set of bases   Set up: Set bases...
Egg Throw

Egg Throw

Egg Throw Drill: Egg throw/soft hands technique drill Purpose: Allow infielders to work on developing soft hands when catching the ball Equipment: Raw Eggs!!! Setup: Take a raw egg and have yourself and another coach stand about 2-3 meters apart. Execution: As...
Dodge Ball

Dodge Ball

Dodge Ball Aim: This game improves agility, acceleration and hand eye coordination. Players are dodging other players who have possession of a ball and are attempting to tag them. Equipment: Eight markers Basket ball   Set up: Place markers in a circle. The area...

Batter’s Bonanza

Batter’s Bonanza Aim: This game improves offence and defence. A player hits a baseball into the field of play and runs the direction of the base path. After fielding the baseball players must throw, not run, the baseball to the player to a base to stop the runner....
Egg Throw

Racquetball Drill

Racquetball Drill PURPOSE To learn to read a fly ball EQUIPMENT A racquetball / tennis racket, approximately 10 soft-covered sponge-type balls, gloves TIME 6 to 8 minutes PROCEDURE All of the players, who have been assigned numbers, and some of the coaches go to right...