Throwing Golf

Throwing Golf

Throwing Golf Aim: This game improves throwing. Players are aiming at a stationary target have execute long and short throws.   Equipment: Five hoola hoops Baseball per player   Set up: Scatter each hoola hoop (holes) around the baseball field. You will need...
Swing Warm-Up

Swing Warm-Up

Swing Warm-Up Purpose In this drill, players spend about five minutes working on their swing, starting at a slow speed and working up to game speed when they get comfortable. It works through the mechanics of the swing from the finish to the start and from the start...
Throwing Golf

Bucket of Balls

Bucket of Balls Purpose: Fun competition that allows players to focus on fielding and making good throws. Equipment: Infield area with bases and a bucket or bag of balls. Setup: All infield positions are used except for the pitcher. Execution: This drill requires a...


Fivety Aim: This game improves hitting and fielding. A batter hits 10 balls into the field of play and fielders have to stop the hit ball. Fielders are rewarded points for stopping the ball. Equipment: 10 baseballs Bat Tee Gloves Set of bases   Set up: Set bases...
Egg Throw

Egg Throw

Egg Throw Drill: Egg throw/soft hands technique drill Purpose: Allow infielders to work on developing soft hands when catching the ball Equipment: Raw Eggs!!! Setup: Take a raw egg and have yourself and another coach stand about 2-3 meters apart. Execution: As...
Swing Warm-Up

Dodge Ball

Dodge Ball Aim: This game improves agility, acceleration and hand eye coordination. Players are dodging other players who have possession of a ball and are attempting to tag them. Equipment: Eight markers Basket ball   Set up: Place markers in a circle. The area...