Lucky Dip
This game improves offence and defence. Hitters are forced to hit the baseball to different designated areas on the field. Fielders are forced to occupy all positions on the field to be successful.
- Tee
- Baseballs
- Three bases
- One home plate
- Bat
- Three different coloured markers
- Three different coloured pieces of paper
- Baseball cap
* Make sure to have the markers the same colour as the piece of paper.
Set up:
- Place all bases on the ground at correct distances.
- Place one coloured marker in each outfield position.
- Nominate players to be the first batters.
- The rest of the team occupies a position on the field.
- The first batters pick one piece of coloured paper from a baseball cap. The colour represents the marker the batters will attempt to hit.
- Play this game using regular tee ball rules.
- Rotate players in each position on the field and hitting.
- Play this game like “Batter’s Bonanza”