+47 21 02 98 55   baseball@nif.idrett.no
Dodge Ball

Dodge Ball

Dodge Ball Aim: This game improves agility, acceleration and hand eye coordination. Players are dodging other players who have possession of a ball and are attempting to tag them. Equipment: Eight markers Basket ball   Set up: Place markers in a circle. The area...
Dodge Ball


Thunderball Packed with competition, throwing & catching, hitting, baserunning & hustling, this drill has everything you need to improve your players & your practice! As coaches, we’re always looking for new drills. Drills, drills, drills. But not all...
Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can Aim: This game improves acceleration, speed and agility. Player accelerates to one spot and then turns the opposite direction and accelerates again to the start. Equipment: Three markers Set up: Place one marker on the ground for the starting point...
Catch Me If You Can

Musical Base

Musical Base Aim: This game improves the knowledge of players of base running. Players are scattered in the infield and the Coach calls a name of a base. All players then run to the named base. Equipment: ? Three bases ? One home plate ? Stereo Set up: 3. Place all...
Dodge Ball

Chicken Tag

Chicken Tag Aim: This game improves acceleration, speed and agility. Players are attempting to tag each other behind the knee. Equipment: No equipment needed. Set up: No set up needed. Procedure: Pair players (Chickens) up with each other. Chickens attempt to peck...
Hoola Hoop Catching

Hoola Hoop Catching

Hoola Hoop Catching Aim: This game improves receiving. A hoola hoop is used instead of a glove. This helps the progress of young players to use an object (glove) to receive the ball. Equipment: • Hoola hoop • Basket ball Set up: 1. No set up needed. Procedure: 1. A...